Tuesday, February 22, 2011

IMPORTANT 4WD NEWS National Code of Practice for 4WD Mods Released

The Federal Government has released the The National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification.
Basically this means 4WD's with lifts up to 50mm including tyre size increases must not exceed 50mm in total and are not subject to engineer certification. Lifts exceeding 50mm do need certification and testing.
Interesting that NSW did not proceed with their propsed VSI50 regulations but the Federal Government has snuck in with their own changes that almost mirror the NSW's proposal.
It has been released for adoption by the various State Transport authorities. You can reference the document at: 

Note: to include the Preface / Introduction in your reading of relevant sections. We draw your attention to references to modifying vehicles equipped with ESC (intro para 3.16/LS para 2.6). It is clear that each State Transport jurisdiction will apply the NCOP in conjunction with local interpretations, so check with your State Authority for definitive requirements.  

"Vehicles whose ride height is raised by more than 50mm must meet the requirements specified in Codes LS7 and LS8 and undergo a lane-change manoeuvre test in accordance with ISO 3888-1 Passenger Cars – Test Track for a Severe Lane-Change Manoeuvre – Part 1: Double Lane-Change to ensure its stability has not been compromised. The test procedures and requirements for the lane change test are detailed in Section LT Test Procedures Code LT4."
"Raising the height of the vehicle may be performed without certification providing the overall increase in vehicle height is not more than 50mm. This may be achieved as a single modification such as the installation of a 50mm lift kit, or by a combination of smaller lifts as described below: 
the fitting of body blocks or lift kits (50mm maximum if no other modifications resulting in a change of vehicle height are performed); 
  • suspension modification, (50mm maximum if no other modifications resulting in a change of vehicle height are performed); 
  • changes to tyre size (maximum change in tyre size diameter of 50mm);
  • oa combination of the above that results in a change of vehicle height not exceeding 50mm."

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